Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-17 um 15.21.23

easy cast

easy cast stands for keeping the process from the creative idea to its realization, or rather the final cast, as brief and affordable as possible.

we can look back at 20 years of experience in commercial casting and our ever growing portfolio consists of a wide range of talents, hence we can guarantee finding the best matches for our clients and their various projects – always reliable and working in a fast-paced environment, we have been able to provide the perfect cast for the most diverse jobs.

we have been working together as a team since the company was founded and we know our talents well. with us you won’t experience a constant change of persons contacts. you will deal with one person who will understand your vision and will be able to implement your needs. further, due to our huge and diverse portfolio, we claim to be able to find the perfect talents for any project.

the more roles you want to cast, the cheaper it’s going to be. we will send you a selection of sedcards according to your briefing at short notice, straightforward and direct. after your selection we will make sure to get the casting material or whatever the director or client wishes back to you asap.

if you are looking to book more than 3 roles we will do the casting for free.*

so let’s go and see how easy cast can be.

we are looking forward to your call, mail or smoke signal.

ulli, katja, juli and hannah

*day fee starts at 800,- euro plus usage fee. you will receive approx. 15-20 suggestions per role

wofür wir stehen

reliability, loyalty and open ears for everyone we are allowed to work with. These important values have shaped our work for almost 20 years. We are sincerely committed to both the actors and our customers and we love what we do, which is why we do it with our heart and soul.

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